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Ewing Deceiver Patch

The large feathers from the top of the cape.

Ewing Dry Fly Mini Packs

Sections of Dry Fly Capes.

Ewing Half Saddles

 Premium genetic hackles in a range of colours.

Ewing Hen Capes

Hen capes have long broad feathers with round tips and a firm quill.

Ewing Hen Saddle

Hen capes have long broad feathers with round tips and a firm quill.

Ewing Premium Cock Capes

 An exceptional grade hackle with a high

feather count from sizes 4 to 24.

Ewing Saddles

 Premium saddle hackle.

Ewing Saltwater Streamer Patch

Saltwater Fly Patch, 3" to 5" Feathers

Ewing Schlappen Feathers

Wide webby feathers,great for saltwater flies.

Ewing Super Wooly Bugger Patch

These bugger packs are super value for tying wooly buggers and salt water flies

Ewing Wooly Bugger Patch

Excellent for wooly buggers or salt water flies. 30-50 feathers per pack.